Photos 19 Apr 2009 08:07 am
Water Towers
- A recent post I’d done on Fire Escapes brought the suggestion that I show some Water Tanks, another key to the identity of NYC. It took only five minutes for Steve Fisher to send two photos, one above and the other below.
Of course, in New York, any way you turn you can see some water tower or other in many different shapes and sizes.

(Click any image to enlarge.)
Many buildings feature more than one tower.
Some towers seem to be layered on different levels.
Some are lifted far from the roof trying to get them higher.
This tower is oddly long in shape. Again , like many others you see
it’s built on a sort of pedestal so that it’s as high as they can get it.
Here, courtesy of Steven Fisher is a water tower in SoHo that burst
mid winter. All the water froze on the side of the building.
Here’s the very same tower after it and the building have been
restored the next Spring.
In the end they become a part of the City’s silhouette, an important part of the character. Like many elements in the city, they become
just part of the background and rarely noticed for their own sake.
One last picture.
Steve Fisher sent me a photo of what remains after the
water tower has been removed – in a slapdash fashion, I might add.
on 29 May 2011 at 1:14 pm 1.Jonathan Bouman said …
Great pictures. I have to ask, what purpose do they serve? Do they provide water for the building?
on 29 May 2011 at 1:32 pm 2.Michael said …
Yes. For showers and toilets