Animation Artifacts &Guest writer 05 Sep 2008 08:00 am
With the Republican convention finishing up yesterday, it seems appropriate to post a few of the politically related cartoons which Irv Spector did. These were sent courtesy of Irv’s son, Paul. The comments from here on are Paul’s:
- All but one — the McCay, natch’ — were done during my father’s time at MGM Tower 12 (The Jones era), and I would imagine — and I assume they were working on the The Pogo Special Birthday Special, and a “real” election year was also forthcoming. I tossed in the McCay which my dad seems to have had! (the answer is: I don’t know, but I do.) The others obviously pale in comparison.

A Winsor McCay political cartoon.
This is the only Pogo I’m sending you, as it has a bit of “truth” to it,
and the others are kind of stock, although nice drawings.
(MS note: After I just about begged for more, Paul sent these three
drawings from the Pogo period. It’s likely they were drawn by Irv Spector.)
These last 3 are kind of my favorite sort of thing, where
the cartoonists were kind of doing them to amuse themselves
or each other. This is my father’s, although I guess I don’t
have to point out his style by this point.
I’m pretty sure this is my dad’s, but not 100%. Not sure if
you are up on the old California political 60′s, but the Brown is
Gov. Pat Brown (actually quite good, as politician’s go) who was
Jerry’s father, and of course Reagan was governor soon after.
This was done by Nick Gibson, if you can make out my father’s
presence of mind to write that credit halfway between the character
and the right border. Seems my father wasn’t above pontificating a bit
himself. Looks nothing like him, but any profundity is in the text.
on 05 Sep 2008 at 1:28 pm 1.Tim Rauch said …
Hey Michael, don’t remember hearing you talk about your father before, was he involved in comics or animation or just a fan? Just curious…
on 05 Sep 2008 at 1:40 pm 2.Michael said …
Tim, those are Paul Spector’s comments on the blog. The images came from cartoons his father saved. (The only note of mine is in parens and labelled: MS.)
on 05 Sep 2008 at 1:55 pm 3.Paul Spector said …
With all the Splog real estate my father’s taken up lately, Tim’s was a smart question. I promise it will stop before it gets to Filmation and Diners Club receipts.
on 05 Sep 2008 at 2:11 pm 4.Tom Minton said …
There probably IS a market for Diners Club receipts on eBay.
on 05 Sep 2008 at 2:26 pm 5.Michael said …
Paul, everything that’s been posted is quite valuable – to me, at least. This all part of our history of animation. The studio gags, the script and storyboard notes and all other info that helps us fill in the life and surroundings of an important part of that history.
I’m more than pleased to post any such material. If it gets too thin, I promise to let you know.