Independent Animation 16 May 2013 05:56 am
Norman McLaren
- Among Vince Cafarelli‘s saved animation material, there was an issue of the newsletter from ASIFA Canada, dated August 1987. The entire issue was dedicated to Norman McLaren who had just died. I’ve scanned it all and will post it here.
You’ll have to click on any of the pages to make them legible, particularly two that weren’t translated into English and remain in French. I’ve left those two pages smaller than the others.

Here are three of Norman McLaren‘s lesser known films on YouTube.
Spook Sport
La Merle (The Blackbird)
C’est l’aviron
(Some of McLaren’s more famous and usual fare can be found on YouTube as well:
Hen Hop, Blinkety Blank, Fiddle De Dee, Neighbours. There are many more.)