Animation Artifacts 20 Jul 2006 07:38 am
Memo: Disney Classes
- Hans Perk, on his excellent site A-Film LA, has been posting many of the Disney notes for the afterhours classes at the studio in the 30′s. I also have a pretty complete collection of these. One document that I value is the original memo Walt Disney sent to Don Graham in 1936 discussing how they should set up these classes.
The letter gives a clear indication of what Disney thinks a good animator does, and what makes for a good animator.
Since Hans is taking a break and hasn’t posted this, I thought I would. It’s an interesting memo. Here are the 8 pages:
(Click any image to enlarge.)
- Alan Cook on his blog Cooked Art has an interesting commentary on CGI vs rotoscope vs motion capture. It’s worth the read, and his site is worth visiting.
- Dave Nethery on his site You’re A Gazelle features photos of a Cintiq imbedded in an animation table virtually replacing the disc. It’s an interesting idea on an interesting blog. His studio site is also worth a visit.
on 20 Jul 2006 at 7:38 pm 1.Henry Lowengard said …
This memo was one of the most fascinating things in Shamus Culhane’s autobiography – thanks for making it available in the original typescript.
It’s so hard to think of Disney as an artist working out the problems of animation as opposed to an omniscient and somewhat mercurial manager of much more talented artists.
on 22 Jul 2006 at 11:58 pm 2.Stephen Worth said …
Art Babbitt used to scoff at this memo, saying that someone… perhaps Don Graham… wrote this for Walt and Walt sent it out under his name. I vividly remember Babbitt getting all worked up and saying, “There are words in there that Walt couldn’t even pronounce, much less use in a sentence!”
Art was a lot of fun.
See ya