Animation &Bill Peckmann &Disney &Models 26 Feb 2013 05:54 am

Snow White models – redux

- Here, I continue with the recent outburst of model sheets. The following is a collection of Snow White and all seven dwarfs. I assume some of these can be found in print in one of the many collections of art from the film. I found two of the models in an old, expensive book I have which came via American Express.

The first two beautiful, original models come courtesy of Bill Peckmann‘s collection. The remainder of the group were Xerox copies I made years back. I’ve tried to clean them up a bit (lots of old grit from the ancient copies on glossy paper.)

(Click any image to enlarge.)

The Witch


Snow White




Dopey 2

Doc 1

Doc 2


Happy 1

Happy 2

Snow White & dwarf comparative sizes

Dwarf comparative sizes 1

Dwarf comparative sizes 2

2 Responses to “Snow White models – redux”

  1. on 27 Feb 2013 at 1:14 am 1.the Gee said …

    These are nice to see.
    Obviously, the design for those little guys is a heck of an accomplishment. It was certainly ambitious and they still outshine a lot of character designs.

  2. on 01 Dec 2020 at 12:15 am 2.Maryellen Larkin said …

    I remember reading that the Prince was notoriously hard to animate, hence why his role was ultimately reduced in the film despite being a key character.

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