Bill Peckmann &Comic Art &Illustration 13 Dec 2012 08:00 am
Bernard Krigstein – Crime, Horror, Sci Fi
Having begun last week with an exceptional post, courtesy of Bill Peckmann, on Bernard Krigstein, we can only try to do another one. We certainly can’t top any of his artwork.
(Go here to read that past post.)
So here, again thanks to Mr. Peckmann, more great art. Bill takes over the writing from here on out.
- With his ground breaking, graphic, illustrative comic book pages, Bernard Krigstein did some of the best EC Comics art ever.

He excelled in their genre of crime comics…
- But Bernie also did two stories for Harvey Kurtzman’s MAD comic book and a few illustrations for Harvey’s early MAD magazine. Here is all of Krigstein’s art work for MAD.

Starting with MAD #12, June 1954, is Kurtzman’s and Krigstein’s 7 page
movie spoof titled “From Eternity Back to Here”.
Here from MAD comic book #17, Nov. 1954,
is “Bringing Back Father”, a comic strip send up
done by using the talents of Harvey Kurtzman,
Bill Elder and Bernard Krigstein!
For the first issue of Kurtzman’s MAD magazine, # 24, July 1955,
Krigstein did two illustrations to accompany a story done with text.
Here from MAD magazine # 26, Nov. 1955, are a few story illustrations by Krigstein.
It would be the last time that he and Harvey Kurtzman collaborated.
Postnote from Bill:
For those readers who are coming upon Bernie Krigstein for the first time and like him, there are still two very worthy books available on him through Amazon. Both are authored by Greg Sadowski, Vol. 1 is a bio, it’s an excellent bio, especially his early life, with many illo’s, both are out of print but not cost prohibitive.
Take a look, here.
on 14 Dec 2012 at 2:00 am 1.Swinton Scott said …
I have the Squa Tront issue with the Krigstein interview, and it was a great read. Good to find out so much info about the man. His approach to comics was so different than others at the time, and even later into the 60s and 70s. A real thinker. Thanks for posting this work.
on 14 Dec 2012 at 4:30 pm 2.the Gee said …
I never really got into Krigsteins’ stuff when it began making a comeback. I guess in the last decade some his collected works were reprinted or something.
But, I am amazed at his storytelling ability. This batch is even more impressive because of the versatility of style.
Making fun of “Bringing Up Fatherâ€. I would not have expected that for several reasons. But, it, like the rest of the samples here, look amazing.
Thanks for sharing.