Bill Peckmann &Books &Illustration &Rowland B. Wilson 28 Jun 2012 06:24 am
Rowland Wilson’s Tubby & the Poo-Bah
- In 1972, Rowland Wilson published another book featuring his character, Tubby. (We’ve posted the first here.) Bill Peckmann surprised me with scans from the second in the series, Tubby and the Poo-Bah. Here’s what Bill had to write:
- Here is Rowland’s ‘Poo-Bah’ book. Lots of good news here, Denis Wheary‘s copy is almost in mint condition, the spine seems to be laying very flat for the scanner and RBW is really getting in the groove on this his second ‘Tubby’ book from 1972!
I would also say that the editors let Rowland run with this like the art directors did in his early print ads and TV spots and because of that, we all came out winners!
Here’s the first half of the book. The second half will come next week.

The book’s cover
This double page spread is beautiful in it’s simplicity. The three levels
of foreground, middle ground and background are very neatly realized,
especially the up front wave swell with it’s sculpted boy and boat,
all those different shapes singing!
Bill Peckmann followed up this first half of the book with this:
Suzanne Wilson and I were admiring Rowland’s deft handling of water in ‘Poo-Bah’ and she was kind enough to send me these two ‘Mermaid’ pieces that RBW did. Add ‘em to your collection!

on 28 Jun 2012 at 10:11 am 1.Eric Z Goodnight said …
I somehow missed that Rowland Wilson did that last Tubby book. I’m thrilled to find out I’ve loved his artwork my entire life and didn’t even know it.
on 04 Jun 2019 at 1:04 pm 2.Ashleigh said …
I read this as a child. Over and over. I am so happy to find it.
My 8 year old son is also an avid reader and remembering how much i love this book reminds me how i became an avid reader myself â¤.
Thanks you for uploading this â¤â¤â¤â¤