Bill Peckmann &Comic Art &Illustration 29 Jun 2012 05:03 am
Jesse Marsh Comics
- A while back I posted a Jesse Marsh piece contributed by the indomitable Bill Peckmann from his wonderful collection of material. Now, just in time for the release of the new book on Marsh’s Tarzan strips, Tarzan: The Jesse Marsh Years – vol. 8, Bill has sent me a stash of new strip pages.
Here from ‘WD’s Christmas Parade’ No. 1, 1949, are the
illustrations Jesse Marsh did for the
text of the 4 page story, ‘So Dear To My Heart’.
We’ve already posted the polar bear story from this 1957 Dell comic book ‘Walt Disney’s The Nature of things’. Here is the Prairie Dog story from that issue.
Cover of this 1957 magazine.
In the 1960 Sunday New York Journal-American funny papers we find Jesse doing the strip ‘Walt Disney’s Treasury of Classic Tales,’ meaning Marsh was adapting Disney’s live action feature length films.
Unfortunately, this is not a complete collection but just a few of the strips to show what two of the adaptations looked like.
Just the series titles: TOBY TYLER and NIKKI, WILD DOG OF THE NORTH
is enough to send “Baby Boomers” like me into a nostalgia tail spin.
I remember reading this strip on Sundays in
the NY Journal American: Puck the Comic Weekly.