Bill Peckmann &Illustration &Rowland B. Wilson 22 Jun 2012 05:40 am
Another RBW assorted
- Suzanne Wilson has sent me some scans of beautiful artwork by her late husband, Rowland B. Wilson. What magnificent draftsmanship. His compositions are extraordinary and his color design is just beautiful. I takes my breath away to see how simply these are composed, yet the drawing is just so expert.

“Jean and Stephen are a loving couple–she loves the Yankees
and he loves the Red Sox”
Sunday News Magazine, New York, August 6, 1978
Old Style Beer
“…and I downed this one at the corner bar!”
“All my elephant chairs are upholstered with fabric made of “Belviva” yarn.
Under a sun like this, we need all the fade resistance we can get.
Collins and Aikman
HFD, Retailing Home Furnishings April 3, 1978
“Forget that, Sherlock. International just found the rig
we need on their truck distribution computer.”
International Trucks, The Wall Street Journal, September 21, 1976
“Yes, I think we have enough Corny-Snaps and Cracklin’ Bran. Why do you ask?”
Ad text: “The customers are coming! Don’t get caught with your stocks down.”
Kellogg’s for magazine ads, 1977
Way before Indiana Jones!
The Saturday Evening Post, May 19, 1956
Esquire Bourbon Dog
This was obviously a header for an Esquire article.
The Olympic Torch for
The Saturday Evening Post
on 22 Jun 2012 at 5:49 am 1.Stephen Macquignon said …
Thank you Suzanne Wilson
on 22 Jun 2012 at 8:25 am 2.Bill Peckmann said …
Wow! For us hard core RBW fans, these are very beautiful, rare treats indeed! Thank you so much Suzanne and Michael!
Was the ‘Wilson Studio’ a piece that Rowland did for himself and was it ever printed anywhere? It is really worth enlarging and going down memory lane with Rowland, quite a nice trip. I’ve always heard and read about his Saturday Evening Post work, but had never seen any of it, so it’s great to see these two gags for the first time, plus the early Esquire art.
Michael, all of your many wonderful RBW postings are turning into the next best thing to a coffee table book collection! Keep on Rowlin’, thanks again!
on 22 Jun 2012 at 4:43 pm 3.The Gee said …
#6, the comic for the Evening Post must be using numbering as a failsafe because it reads well otherwise.
I am really shocked and pleased to see him approach his work like that.
As usual, thanks and this is all great work.
It is continuing to prove how prolific and amazingly talented Wilson was.
on 22 Jun 2012 at 5:45 pm 4.Suzanne Wilson said …
The Wilson studio self-portrait, as far as I know, was a “free-bie” for New England Life. I don’t have the original so thank goodness he made a copy as there’s a ton of biographical anecdote in it! The swallows in the window and the Hawaiian shirt suggest that this was painted upon moving to San Juan Capistrano, California in the early 80′s. At that time there was a resurgence in the New England Life ad campaign. It actually lasted from about 1968 until 1985–evidenced by the array of ads littering the floor.
Thanks for the appreciation. It’s fun to bring this art to light again and see it in a new format. Not to mention the bonus of discovering a small portrait of oneself!
The Subourbonites, with the dog carrying the keg, was an article about commuting. The subtitle reads “For some commuters, the bar car makes the trip to suburbia worth the effort!” New York to Westport, anyone!?