Comic Art &Illustration &T.Hachtman 05 Jun 2012 04:52 am

Feg Murray Calendar 1930

- A while back Tom Hachtman sent me a calendar illustrated by the sports cartoonist, Feg Murray.

Tom wrote: Here’s a “‘treasure’ I found in the basement today. They’re mildewed and have been through floods but they are still great art.”
Sorry I don’t have all twelve – there are golf lessons from Walter Hagen on the backs if you’re interested.”
The calendar dates back to 1930.

Not being the golfer, I wasn’t really interested in the lessons. Here are the extant calendar pages.








Here are some examples of the comic strips that Feg Murray had in syndication.
He was considered, primarily, a sports cartoonist, and this strip is a good example of what he did.



He also had a strip called “Seeing Stars” which focused on celebrities.’

Finally, here’s a Christmas card he did while working through King Features Syndicate.

2 Responses to “Feg Murray Calendar 1930”

  1. on 05 Jun 2012 at 7:02 pm 1.The Gee said …

    Sports cartooning always seemed like it was once one of the most romantic types of professions for cartoonists.

    For one, from what I’ve read, there was collegiality amongst the cartoonists. Since they often went out and covered the same events, like boxing matches, they hung out together, even if they worked at separate papers.

    They went to games and matches, smoked cigars and probably drank, too.
    Though, I’d find it hard to think they would get drunk before a deadline. That wouldn’t be prudent. Pencils and quills are less forgiving than typewriters.

    Sure, animators could probably keep up with the best of sports cartoonists when it came to enjoying Life’s Ambrosias, but, the part of the job where you went to cover a story must’ve been pretty sweet.

    Anyway, it is a drag there aren’t too many of them these days and I know of none who are doing it full-time.

  2. on 06 Jun 2012 at 12:21 am 2.Tom Stathes said …

    Beautiful calendars! I live about 15 minutes away from the old realty business advertised on them…I should go see what that building looks like today.

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