Bill Peckmann &Books &Comic Art &Disney 27 Apr 2012 05:11 am
Paul Murry’s Comix
- With great excitement and anticipation, comic lovers learned this week that Paul Murry and Dick Huemer‘s Buck O’Rue comics compilation would be available in June. Bill Peckmann sent me the following note and material:
- Buck O’Rue was a short lived comic strip I didn’t know about; it was done by two Disney greats, Dick Huemer and Paul Murry. The new book is a real labor of love by the author, good friend Germund Von Wowern, and in celebration of the new book due to come out soon, I thought I’d send you a small 21 page, Whitman Sampler box of some of Murry’s comic book work.
Perhaps best known for his wonderful Mickey Mouse comic book adventure stories, he also deftly handled any assignment that Dell Comics threw his way. Here are some outside the adventure story box examples of single page gags, a Donald Duck story and a Disney film adaptation. All of his pages are always bursting with well designed and drawn life!

on 28 Apr 2012 at 10:03 am 1.bill said …
One of my favorite comic artists. I’d never seen the Br’er Rabbit stuff before- How did I miss that?
Funny typo on the gag page where Mickey’s nephews call him “Uncle Donald”!
on 29 Apr 2012 at 4:57 pm 2.Joakim Gunnarsson said …
Never saw that Mickey “Unca Donald”-page before.
I guess Murry got a Donald Duck one page script and was asked tho change it into a Mickey page. But it’s strange that no-one noticed before it went to print.
However, a great set of Murry pages that really shows how good he was.
on 29 Apr 2012 at 5:57 pm 3.Germund said …
What a nice tribute to Murry’s early work and I’m so happy you’re looking forward to our Buck O’Rue volume. Murry did draw plenty of Brer Rabbit stories in the 1940s, including the first year or so of the Sunday page 1945-46 (the story above was originally printed in Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories #77).
As noted above, Buck O’Rue was written and created by Disney legend Dick Huemer, so despite my “author” credit above, I have hardly contributed much writing to this volume (a little, but not much). And without the persistent work of Dick’s son, Richard Huemer, there surely wouldn’t be any book at all this summer.
on 28 Feb 2013 at 12:03 am 4.Arne Lindgren said …
The 5-page Donald Duck story by Paul Murry, where Donald is taking dance lessons, was published in Donald Duck #30, (not #32 which is stated in this blog). There is no Paul Murry story in #32.