Photos &Steve Fisher 25 Mar 2012 07:12 am

Good Weather


continues to roll as the last of our days move on. It’s feeling like a long, slow, uphill battle at this point, and we’re taking all measures we have to contact everyone we know. Many thanks to all of you who have been so supportive. It’s so appreciated.

Take a look at our POE site:


- New York’s had some unusually kind weaher lately. Lots of flora seem to be growing and maturing unnaturally early. With all this, obviously on his mind, Steve Fisher makes a photo trip to the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Here are a few of his photos.



8 Responses to “Good Weather”

  1. on 25 Mar 2012 at 8:58 am 1.Stephen Macquignon said …

    The flowers are beautiful Steve takes wonderful pictures.

    I have posted and reported kickstarter everywhere I have a profile, I hope it has helped in some way.

  2. on 25 Mar 2012 at 9:35 am 2.Pierre said …

    Hi Michael. The photos are beautiful. The magnolia tree outside our house has been in full bloom for the past few days. Remarkably, it had bloomed a good two to three weeks ahead of time thanks to the beautiful weather we’ve been having lately.

    With regards to the Kickstarter campaign, you can have my pledge whether the campaign is successful or not! Not that it will go too far though but I’d rather have the money go towards your project than towards something trivial that I would have spent it on otherwise.


  3. on 25 Mar 2012 at 10:30 am 3.steve fisher said …

    Just to clarify, these photos were taken at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. Sorry for the mis-info.

  4. on 25 Mar 2012 at 5:02 pm 4.The Gee said …

    I’m sure this could be stuff you may already know.
    But I did a search to what other types of social things might be interested.
    i guess it isn’t out the pale to have some one try and contact leaders of these groups or somehow make people aware of the KS project and its upcoming goal.

    Think about it: if some of them tweet this/facebook it or whatever perhaps that can aid in spreading the word quickly if only to make people aware. Of course, it more than awareness were accomplished, cool.

    (apparently searching for just “Poe Fans Groups” also results in some pop singer)

  5. on 25 Mar 2012 at 5:05 pm 5.The Gee said …

    Steve, awesome photos.
    Just yesterday I recalled the last time I went to one. This is a great time of year for it.

    And…for now, your great photos of all the variety nature offers will have to do until I get out and about.

  6. on 25 Mar 2012 at 5:10 pm 6.The Gee said …

    Oh yeah.

    That Shelfari link I poseted…if I had to pick and choose I would look into just how connected and active that group is. The admin person is in Seattle and Lord knows those folks read, read, read. There’s well read people in that neck of the woods.

    And, then online there are Academic/ Literature Mailing lists and stuff. See if people you know who are teachers, professors or just avid readers might spread the word.

    Of course any of this takes time. But, if someone would look into it further that might prove whether or not those groups are dead ends or are not dead ends and are great avenues.

  7. on 26 Mar 2012 at 9:47 am 7.Brett McCoy said …

    The Steampunk fanbase is another group to tap into, too… a group that loves handcrafted stuff, and Poe is considered one of the forefathers of Steampunk.

  8. on 27 Mar 2012 at 1:36 pm 8.Sean said …

    hi michael-

    thanks for the photos and the constantly fascinating and informative posts. i enjoy this blog a tremendous amount, and wish you the best with Poe. I just headed over to kickstarter to help in a very modest way, unfortunately.

    looks like steve and i got the same exact shot at the new york botanical garden, except mine was taken a few years ago. (second from bottom)

    great time of year to go up there, its so beautiful. also worth a visit is wave hill further to the west. best of luck, and thanks again.

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