Bill Peckmann &Illustration &Rowland B. Wilson 23 Feb 2012 07:30 am

Rowland B. Wilson TVGuide originals – 2

- Picking up right where we left off last week, here are Rowland B. Wilson‘s TV Guide illustrations. In many cases it’s the rough drawings followed by scans of the color original artwork. The roughs came from Bill Peckmann‘s wonderful collection, the colored originals came from Suzanne Wilson. I couldn’t be more grateful to both of them and thank them profusely. (See part 1.)
















3 Responses to “Rowland B. Wilson TVGuide originals – 2”

  1. on 23 Feb 2012 at 3:33 pm 1.The Gee said …

    For No. 25, it reminds me of a dream I had after watching a “Hee Haw” marathon.

    But, seriously, thanks for sharing these. There are a few of these which make me wonder what stories they accompanied. Not that not knowing that context matters because as solid drawings they are great too see.

  2. on 24 Feb 2012 at 2:08 am 2.Suzanne Wilson said …

    Here are the titles I could find:

    15–Let’s Hear It For The Owners
    19–The Perils of Emmy (TV Awards)
    21–Phantoms of Prime Time (M.A.S.H.)
    22—Alf’s Secret diary—My Life on Planet Earth
    24—Even the Movies are U.S. Rejects (French television)
    25–Socko in the Sticks
    26–Travolta’s Got ‘em Dancing to Bottom-Line Fever

    I had a little better luck with the sports illustrations and will add to Part 1.

    Thank you Michael and Bill–these look great!

  3. on 24 Feb 2012 at 9:46 pm 3.The Gee said …

    Oh, wow. You didn’t need to go to any trouble to find the titles.

    It’s appreciated and it certainly adds a lot.

    Just sharing what you shared and what is being shown is a whole heck of a lot.
    The bonus so far has been that it is some great art, great illustration.

    From what it looks like, he got some great assignments and that probably kept it fun and interesting.

    Thanks again.

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