Daily post &Photos 25 Dec 2011 06:49 am
Merry Christmas
- Walking to the studio this morning (Robbie has to be fed before I can start my Christmas)
I passed through my favorite park, Madison Square Park. There was my Christmas tree.
Coming up on the entrance at 26th Street, you can see the tree.
It sits in the empty reflecting pool. In past years,
they’ve had smaller trees surrounding it. I guess
the recession has hit the Christmas decorations.
Walking beyond the tree on the way downtown to 23rd Street.
Just before exiting the park at 23rd Street, you can still see the tree.
20 minutes later, heading into NYU’s Washington Square Park,
the sunlight’s beginning to rise and the colors are more alive.
From the other side of the arch, you can see that the back of
the tree is not decorated. More recession or just lazy?
Have a Merry Christmas everyone.
on 25 Dec 2011 at 7:17 am 1.Stephen Macquignon said …
Merry Christmas Michael,
Have a wonderful day
on 25 Dec 2011 at 10:47 am 2.steve fisher said …
Have the happiest and healthiest of holidays. Looking forward to more great stuff on your blog and in the cinema.
on 25 Dec 2011 at 12:06 pm 3.Paul Spector said …
Michael, best of the holiday season!
on 26 Dec 2011 at 2:19 am 4.Oscar Solis said …
Merry Christmas. Thanks for all the posts.