Action Analysis &Animation &Animation Artifacts &Disney 30 Nov 2011 06:36 am
Mickey and the Shadows – 1
- Having seen the entirety of Mickey chasing the broom into the adjoining room, we now take up the shadows that show us what Mickey does in there. Again there are many drawings (it’s all on ones) so this is the first part. (See past posts here.)
It’s animated by Riley Thompson with Harvey Toombs assisting. The sequence director was James Algar.

The following QT incorporates all the drawings from this post
All previous posts will be combined in the final piece.
All drawings were exposed per the Exposure Sheets.
on 30 Nov 2011 at 7:57 am 1.Stephen Macquignon said …
I love the use of the shadow to suggest what is going on in the next room.
In addition, the broom was part of my inspiration when I illustrated the picture book “Colorsâ€
on 30 Nov 2011 at 9:00 pm 2.DB said …
I don’t know if its because I first saw this sequence so long ago as a young kid that I’ve forgotten what my first impression was, but this moment seems somehow much more shocking and brutal in its raw form, unalleviated of the beautiful backgrounds and colors.
on 01 Dec 2011 at 1:17 pm 3.Daniel Caylor said …
I’ve been guilty of enjoying your content without commenting lately. Awesome stuff as always Michael, your blog is a treasure!