Articles on Animation &Disney &Music 13 Sep 2011 06:39 am
Bambi’s Music – recap
- I first met Ross Care years ago. He had scored the music to one of John Canemaker‘s early short films, The Wizard’s Son. I was impressed, and since I was looking for a composer for the first film of my new company, Byron Blackbear & The Scientific Method, I asked Ross for his help. He did a great job with little time and less money.
It was only a short time later, that I learned that Ross was an animation music historian. Somehow, we worked together in setting up a program for ASIFA East in which the conductor for Bambi, Alexander Steinert, took the stage with Ross to analyze the music for that film. I had a 16mm print of the film, and we watched about half of it. It was one of those memorable ASIFA meetings, that stay with you forever.
A year or two later, Ross had written an extensive article on Bambi’s music for The Quarterly Journal of The Library of Congress, the Spring 1983 edition. I just recently ran into the article on my shelves, and after getting Ross’ permission, I’m posting that article here.

___________(Click any image to enlarge to a readable size.)

Article: Copyright © 1983 Ross B. Care
on 13 Sep 2011 at 9:16 am 1.John Burnett said …
Here is a pdf copy of it. I find these jpgs hard to read, personally. I select all the jpgs in IrfanView Thumbnails, and Batch print them using a pdf-making utility.
on 13 Sep 2011 at 10:46 am 2.Michael said …
Thanks for pointing to the FTP site. I didn’t know about it, but I assume everything is available somewhere on some other site.
on 14 Sep 2011 at 3:47 pm 3.DB said …
Thank you so much for this. I think Bambi has a vastly unappreciated score – the choral work especially reaches me on some very deep primal level and is highlighted more in Bambi than in other Disney films or that era. One of my favorite moments in the film is the ‘April Shower” sequence.
I just wish I could edit the ‘Twitterpated” sequence out of my mind, cause otherwise I think the film is a masterpiece (not that Twitterpated is horrible in itself but seems shoehorned in and is IMHO incongruous in tone to the rest of the film).
on 14 Sep 2011 at 5:02 pm 4.Michael said …
DB, I couldn’t agree with you more. I find the Twitterpated sequence as something that dropped from another movie. Though the music is good even during this sequence.