Photos &Steve Fisher 06 Feb 2011 08:47 am

Photos from the Ice Age & more

- Weather affects how your world looks. Recently we’ve had a ton of snow falling on NYC. (There have been some 56 inches since Christmas Day.) The whole place looks white for a time, then turns gray to black with floods at every street corner. It sure gets hard to navigate street crossings.

This past week we had something that you don’t get often – an ice storm. It hailed, mixed with rain, to create sort of an icy slush. Slippery in some places, wet in others. The trees and environment was encased in about a ¼ inch of ice.

I tried taking a picture at 6am that morning, but didn’t get anything worthwhile. Then Steve FIsher started sending some shots that are gems. So here they are, NY in a different light.

These first two pics were the ones I shot at 6am
but wasn’t crazy about.


The rest of these are by Steve Fisher.
They’re all color shots.











- It’s a couple of days later. The weather has gotten a bit warmer by Saturday, and another smaller snow dusting is expected. I decided to walk to the studio at 6:30am and figure out how to use my camera-phone thing. I’ve had it for two months and haven’t really figured out the machine. So here are some pictures. Note that a light hail was falling throughout the two mile trek.

First off I walk through Madison Square Park.
I haven’t been here since Christmas, the first big snowfall.
I mistakenly had left the B&W feature setting on the camera.

This tree looks to be dead. They’ve cut off a lot of it.
(See the logs on the ground.) Masses of squirrels are
climbing into the hole at the top of it.

This is that light “Art-piece” I featured last year.
The lights (you have to look for them) aren’t on,
and the piece is silent.

Then I walk down Fifth Ave. to Washington Square Park in the Village.
Some homeless person left their bin parked near a bike stand just
outside of the 23rd St. subway entrance. I guess they’re keeping warm.

I almost forgot why I’d shot this photo.
If you look closely you’ll see that the entire building is
“For Rent”. I guess they gave up on the idea of selling it.

Are these Christmas tree lights, still hung?
They look nice (in person) under this construction tunnel.

The First Presbeterian Church on 13th Street and Fifth Ave.
I’ve realized I’d been shooting in B&W.
This is the first pic in color.

Here’s the Arch at Washington Square Park , shot from 8th Street and Fifth Ave.

Here’s a closer shot.

This is Judson Memorial Church near NYU shot from within the park.

A sort-of famous restaurant a couple of blocks from the studio.
All they serve is PB&J hundreds of ways. I haven’t been in there.
I keep PB and Jelly in the studio and my home; I love it.

I turn West on Bleecker to Downing which leads me to Bedford.
“Hey ma, I can see our house from here!”
Finally, I reach the studio. The hail’s getting heavier.

2 Responses to “Photos from the Ice Age & more”

  1. on 06 Feb 2011 at 11:02 am 1.Steven Hartley said …

    These are some beautiful pictures – I particularly like the pictures of the branches and twigs in ice, beautiful photography thanks for sharing with us.

    Oh BTW, do you not mind taking a look at my blog because I’ve written a review on “The King’s Speech”, and the film was hugely emotional to me because I know how it feels to have speech and language difficulties (as I go to a speech and language school).

    I was wondering if you’d be interested to hear since I was on television about speech and language.

  2. on 06 Feb 2011 at 1:17 pm 2.slowtiger said …

    Pic 7 – I’m sure it has been done before, but wouldn’t it be a nice detail for a film that people on the streets (and everything else) are in b/w, and colour only starts above the 2nd floor?

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