Bill Peckmann &Comic Art &Disney 17 Dec 2010 09:03 am
Alice Comix – pt 2
- Last month I posted some Part 1 of strips of Alice In Wonderland taken from from the excellent book Bill Peckmann owns: Animated Features and Silly Symphonies.
The strips are dated 1951, and each page contains 2 Sunday strips. I believe the artwork is by Manuel Gonzales, penciler, and Dick Moores, inker. Gorgeous stuff.
Here we continue with the next 8 strips of the series to conclude the story.
Many thanks go out to Bill Peckmann for the scans and loan of the material.

(Click any image to enlarge.)
on 17 Dec 2010 at 12:03 pm 1.Eric Noble said …
Interesting. Wonderful artwork! I’ve posted most of the comic book version of the movie, one published by Dell Comics.