Books &Disney &Layout & Design &Mary Blair &Models 07 Sep 2010 05:58 am
Mary Blair – 9
- This will be the last of my Mary Blair posts. Today, I’m going to concentrate on her more personal and private work. Some of these are paintings, some greeting cards, others theatrical designs.
I’ve taken artwork exclusively from the Japanese book, The Colors of Mary Blair. John Canemaker writes an introduction to the Japanese book and that’s also a fine piece of writing.
However, I’ve consistently gone back to Canemaker’s excellent US book, The Art and Flair of Mary Blair.

The Blair Family
Set design for Cole Black and the Seven Dwarfs
Costume designs for the same show.
This was a musical that featured the music of Duke Ellington.
The show never opened on Broadway, and it’s too bad that
Mary Blair never had a theatrical show that she designed.
An oil painting that’s reminiscent of the work
of the brilliant black artist, Archibald Motley.