Bill Peckmann &Books &Illustration 02 Jul 2010 07:48 am
Tenggren’s Storybook – 1
- Bill Peckmann sent me his copy of Gustaf Tenggren’s Story Book. This is an oversized book which adapts bits of well known children’s stories – a chapter of Heidi, another from Gulliver’s Travels, a story from the Uncle Remus Tales, etc.
Tenggren, of course, illustrated them – sometimes with large color illustrations sometimes with spot drawings.
Lest you’ve forgotten, Tenggren was the illustrator brought by Disney to the studio to design Snow White’s forests and Pinocchio’s landscapes. After Disney, he went to work illustrating and writing Little Golden Books – all the famous ones including The Poky Little Puppy.
Here is the first post of some of the Tenggren illustrations to the book:

The book’s cover
Chapter heading for Rip Van Winkle.
Only two illustrations for Doctor Doolittle, but
they’re beautifully abstract.
The layout is so nice for The Tar Baby,
that I’m posting the full double page spread.
Many thanks to Bill Peckmann. I’ll post more of these upcoming.
on 02 Jul 2010 at 1:04 pm 1.Eric Noble said …
These are absolutely beautiful illustrations. I need to get to work if I am to be able to draw as a well as this. Thank you for sharing these Mr. Sporn.
on 03 Jul 2010 at 6:55 am 2.Stephen Macquignon said …
His work is beautiful! The Poky Little Puppy was one of my favorite stories as a child. He was so diverse going from his Rackham style of illustration to what he did for Golden Books simpler but no less wonderful to look at.