Articles on Animation &Bill Peckmann &Comic Art &Disney 04 May 2010 07:42 am
Barks in Panels
- Last week I posted Alex Toth‘s Jesse Marsh piece from the magazine Panels. Bill Peckmann who was the Associate Editor of the mag, answered my request and sent the article I noticed about Carl Barks. In fact, he sent me additional Barks material he’s saved.
These include a the following letter Carl Barks had sent him as well as a couple of images.

(Click any image to enlarge.)
Here’s the article from Panels, an interview between Ed Summers and Carl Barks.

As ever, many thanks to Bill Peckmann.
on 05 May 2010 at 1:50 pm 1.Christian Aldridge said …
Thanks for posting all of this material. Your blog is a fertile ground for us aspiring animators! I particularly admire Carl Barks’s drawings for their beautifully weighted compositions – thank you for sharing them.