Bill Peckmann &Illustration 30 Apr 2010 07:30 am

Jack Davis’ Time

- Here are some Time Magazine covers by Jack Davis from 1973 & 1974. These pieces are part of Bill Peckmann‘s amazing collection and I’m glad to showcase them here today. Thanks Bill.

This of course, isn’t a Time Magazine cover but
the cover to Jack Davis’ book of collected works
Some of My Good Stuff.










3 Responses to “Jack Davis’ Time”

  1. on 30 Apr 2010 at 11:39 am 1.Swinton Scott said …

    This is from a time when a few of my friends in art school thought it would be nice to make a living drawing magazine covers. I think a couple of teachers told us they would not pay a lot of money but you got the advertising
    of working for TIME. Davis’ work is always fun to look at, always was a fan of his work. TIME and Newsweek don’t too
    many hand drawn covers these days, do they? Also notice how the themes of the covers stay the same through the years. Even looking at the old editorial cartoons by McCay, the same topics are present today. Anyway, thanks for posting these Michael.

  2. on 30 Apr 2010 at 1:36 pm 2.Eric Noble said …

    I love Jack Davis. He is one of my all-time favorite cartoonists. He is a real master. My favorite cover is the final one of “Recession’s Greetings”. Thank you for sharing these and thank Mr. Peckmann for sharing his collection with you. This is a real treat for aspiring artists such as myself.

  3. on 23 Feb 2012 at 10:13 pm 3.Don Coker said …

    Jack Davis influenced my career more than any other. And he is a fellow Georgian!

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