Photos 28 Feb 2010 09:11 am
Snow Again
- Sorry folks, but this looks to be a repeat of last week’s repeated pictures from a snowfall in 2007. But it’s not; this is last Thursday/Friday. I just can’t help myself when it comes to big snowfalls. We had about 12″ this week, so that seemed a lot to me. The newscasters were saying upwards of 20″, but they’re always fulla crap.

On the left you can see the weather at the end of Thursday.
On the right it’s the start of the new day, Friday.
On Thursday night, going home it was a mess. It had rained all day
sort of a soupy, slushy mess of wet goo. Every corner had about a
foot of water you had to step in, around or through to get across
the street. Let me tell you it gets annoying.
I walked across Bleecker Street heading toward the subway, at
about 7pm. It looks nice here, but it was a wet mess.
The snow was wet wet wet and heavy.
By 5:30 the next morning there was a different picture as I left
my apartment on 30th Street. This was the height of the storm.
Big thick, fluffy snowflakes everywhere.
Here’s Park Avenue. No cars in sight. It was impossible driving,
though a bus crawled past me at one point.
The over-busy construction site was drawn to a lull.
This was Bleecker Street from the vantage point of the
old Portuguese Church on Carmine Street.
Across from the church are two planters full of tiny trees.
Here’s the view of my studio street, Bedford Street.
Looking down the block toward my tiny sign.
I was the last person to see the entrance steps look like this.
I cleared each step as I walked down.
I went inside and put my things away and went out to shovel.
My boy Robbie came out to keep me company and try to
figure out what had happened.
He kept going out all morning and coming back in covered
with wet snow. I regret I didn’t call him Snowball.
on 28 Feb 2010 at 9:41 am 1.steve fisher said …
Michael: Nice snaps.
on 28 Feb 2010 at 10:52 am 2.Michael said …
Thanks, Steve, that means a lot coming from you.
on 28 Feb 2010 at 12:51 pm 3.Roberto said …
Hello Michael, sorry for my bad english (I’m Italian). I’m creating a website about animation. I hope you don’t mind if I use some images from your blog.
on 28 Feb 2010 at 1:19 pm 4.Kate said …
That’s the first time I’ve ever seen Park Ave like that and it’s a little creepy.
on 28 Feb 2010 at 1:44 pm 5.Ian Lumsden said …
We’ve had a tiny amount of snow here in the UK too. Funny thing though, your snow looks good. And black cats are lucky.
on 28 Feb 2010 at 1:48 pm 6.Eddie Fitzgerald said …
Terrific pictures. They fill me with nostalgia for a city I’ve never lived in.
on 28 Feb 2010 at 2:10 pm 7.Michael said …
Roberto, I don’t mind as long as you give credit where credit is due.
on 28 Feb 2010 at 9:22 pm 8.Jenny said …
All of these pictures are catnip to me, but the ones of your studio resident are especially wonderful. What aplomb!