Bill Peckmann &Comic Art &Illustration &Rowland B. Wilson 29 Jan 2010 09:20 am

More Rowland B. Wilson

- Here, courtesy of Bill Peckmann, and his great collection of work, are more of Rowland B. Wilson‘s great cartoons for various sources.
for TV Guide:

A cover and a spot ad.

A rough sketch for this spot ad.

A couple of ads he illustrated:

(Click any image to enlarge.)

Rowland did many ads for Equitable Life.

And of course more playboy cartoons:

This is a multipage piece he did.

2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9



13 14

15 16


Bill Peckmann sent these additional comments
after seeing these images on the site:

Here are some personal notes/sidebars if you’re interested:

TV Guide –
I believe the cover was the only one RBW ever did for TV Guide. He did do tons of editorial art for them.

Editorial art for “Confessions” was done at same time he was working on “Lucky Seven Sampson.

The rough sketch is mine, that was one of the great perks of sharing studio space with Row.
Greyhound editorial art was done for one of the business mags in the ’70′s, at the same time he was working on “Poor Rowland’s Almanac”.

New England Life art was done when Rowland was working at R. Williams’ Studio, visiting him on vacation, I was lucky enough to hand carry it back to the States for delivery, man, it was not easy to let it go and give it to the ad agency.

Playboy – #6. That’s Suzanne (Rowland’s wife) as the lady and RBW is the bearded gent on the right in the audience. Also done in London.

#10, The lady was inspired by Mae West.

#14, At the time, the NY Islanders wanted the original art as a gift, gratis, to hang in their offices, Rowland told them where to go with that.

#17, Rowland & Suzanne gave us the original as a wedding gift 10 years ago, of course it’s one of our prized possessions and I have tell to you that the printed version just does not do the original justice, too bad it’s so hard to get out of the frame otherwise I’d let you post it.

2 Responses to “More Rowland B. Wilson”

  1. on 29 Jan 2010 at 2:35 pm 1.Bill said …

    Seems like Rowland always had his “fingers on the pulse” and nothing’s changed much since he did his “Poor Rowland’s Almanac” in 1976 34 years ago.

  2. on 04 Jun 2017 at 2:47 am 2.Robert Tanos said …

    Hello there. I am curious about the cartoon of Cinderella with the Pinocchio legs and feet sticking out from under her dress, with caption; “Tell me another lie Pinocchio”
    Could you please verify for me the month and year this cartoon was printed in Playboy?
    How did the artist come about drawing this cartoon for Playboy?
    I am curious because I submitted that joke to Playboy in 1974, as a suggestion for a “Party Joke”. To my surprise, it appeared published in Playboy one year later, but not as a party joke, but as a full page cartoon~!
    I would love to know the back story? Was it my suggestion that triggered this cartoon? Wow, that would be cool to know.
    Thank you,
    Robert Tanos

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