Comic Art &T.Hachtman 31 Oct 2009 07:35 am
Renaissance Masters 1
- Tom Hachtman, you’ll remember, is the cartoonist whose comic strip, Gertrude’s Follies, featured characters out the Americans and artists in Paris: Gertrude Stein, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway and others during the 20s – but set in modern day. The strip was a success, and I made a short or two out of it, trying to get interest in a feature.
Tom actually started to develop another strip. With this one he mined the Renaissance Masters, and that’s what he called the strip. Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael and all the other biggies are in there.
He did this strip in a notebook (with blue lines), and he gave me the book to post on this site – at my request, of course. So for the next few weeks, I’ll post all the double page panels done with India Ink and wash. At a good breaking point we’ll continue it next week.
Here they are, the Renaissance Masters:
(Click any image to enlarge.)
on 31 Oct 2009 at 9:47 am 1.kc said …
Thanks for sharing this, Michael! What I particularly like about page 14 was the… Sorry, can’t finish this now. The Pope is coming.
on 02 Nov 2009 at 12:59 pm 2.Dennis Hermanson said …
kc likes the ..
yeah, I like panel 14 too… About that robust Madonna… I was listening to a podcast of PBS This Week with Gwen… they used “robust health-care system” twice. I guess that’s what happened in the plague as well. Rat-flu, I think it was known as then. The church’s supply of innoculation just didn’t get around quick enough. The dispensation rate was just too low.
And statues don’t destroy statues. People do.
I remember that being said contemptoraneously about some other wmd… wonder of mass distraction.
However, religious has more depth than television, I’ve got to say. I don’t doubt it. You’ve got to believe. It’s out there.
But hey, I know Hacht is a genius, just like some of those guys in days of old. He even paints murals (tip of the Hatlo hat to Louie, the Cab Driver) on the wall.
Michael Sporn’s place is a fitting place to present such fine art. Thanks, Michael, and keep up the great work in motion.
Now back to the nasty fissures of making a living. As I am still attempting to do, too.
Toodle loo, sang Mazie as she fluttered away!
den nc usa
PS: Comment moderation was not enabled in this missal. “Well, shut ma mouth!”
on 02 Nov 2009 at 5:52 pm 3.Martin Kozlowski said …
Typical Hachtman brilliance with a soupçon of Pasolini, maybe (thinking The Dacameron.) Wish Hackydog could have done the Teenage Mutant Turtles, too. Would love to see more.
on 18 Nov 2009 at 6:05 pm 4.Kim murton said …
I love the bit about the psychiatrist- as well as appreciating some amazing drawing. Looking forward to following this…Thanks!