Bill Peckmann &Books &Illustration 17 Sep 2009 07:39 am

Good Housekeeping 3

- Bill Peckmann loaned the book of collected Good Housekeeping illustrations that were publishrf bryeen 1938 through 1944. (The illustrations actually began in 1934 and were printed complete in an interesting recent book called Mickey and the Gang which was edited by David Gerstein. That book includes so much more than these illustrations – including the text that went with the illustrations. However, I like the printing, on non-glossy paper, of the 1987 book.)

I’ve done two other posts of these illustrations (part 1, part 2) and finish them up with this piece.

The Victory March, August 1942

Lake Titicaca, December 1942

Pluto and the Armadillo, February 1943

Pedro, March 1943

Pluto wins A Victory Through Air Power, April. 1943

Donald Duck Home Defense, August 1943

Victory Vehicles, September 1943

This edition, published in trhe Alexander Gallery catalogue
is really just the upper half of the strip.

Here’s the whole strip as printed in
Mickey and the Gang.
More white no colored grays.

From 1943 on, the illustrations became “New Tales from Old Mother Goose.”
This was a revision from “Donald Duck’s Mother Goose” that had
appeared in Mickey Mouse Magazine, published in the 1930′s.
Hank Porter and his writers dealt with a more limited subject in a
more comic-strip sense and used the two color process during the war.

Mickey an Minnie Went Up the Hill, October 1943

Hickory Dickory Dock, February 1944

Little Miss Muffet, May 1944

Hickety, Pickety, June 1944

Don be Nimble, Don be Quick, July 1944

Little Robin Redbreast, August 1944

Humpty Dumpty, September 1944

2 Responses to “Good Housekeeping 3”

  1. on 17 Sep 2009 at 10:11 am 1.Stephen Macquignon said …

    Funny! a nice twist on Mother Goose

  2. on 17 Sep 2009 at 11:57 am 2.Jim Korkis said …

    I wrote a three part article on the Good Housekeeping pages at Jim Hill’s site many years ago. This link will take you to the second installment where I talk about the Alexander Gallery catalogs and the other reprintings of those pages.

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