Festivals &Photos 04 May 2009 09:07 am
ASIFAEast Party
- Last night the 40th annual ASIFA East Festival took place in a rainy NYC at the New School auditorium. There were about 2 hours of award winners to be screened after which everyone moved to the fifth floor to attend an after-party.
The place was packed. I wasn’t able to get anywhere near the food table so I had a few glasses of wine and raced about snapping pictures. Unfortunately, I’m a horrible photographer, so I apologize to all those here for the bad representation I’m giving you. for all the rest of you, these are just some of those I bumped into or who bumped into me. It was fun.

John Canemaker and Irra Verbitsky at the beginning of the night.

Amid Amidi and Celia Bullwinkle got to the food pretty quickly.
You can see what I mean about the bad photography. Sorry guys.
Michael Sullivan is in the thick of it.
John Dilworth with Heidi Stallings.
John’s just back from Spain in time for the party.
Irina Margolina and Adam Snyder. She just arrived
from Russia hours before the Festival.
Adrian Urquidez looks like he’s having too much fun.
Dave Levy (ASIFA East Pres) and Nancy Keegan tend the wine
while getting caught by me in a hot spot.
Howard Beckerman tries a sandwich. Sorry, Howard,
this was shot from the other side of the room.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen Michael Zodorozny.
Glad to be able to catch up a bit.
Matt Clinton and Katrina Gregorius from the Sporn Studio
enjoy the food after the long wait on line.
Pilar Newton and Ivan Katz stop by our table and bring
that glowing enthusiasm always there with her.
The Rauch brothers, Mike and Tim, were the stars of the night.
Their film Q&A won the grand prize at the Festival.
Look for the film; it’s brilliant.
Candy Kugel chats while Mr. Rauch, the father of the brothers,
watches in the background. He’s thrilled for his sons’ success.
Debra Solomon in the thick of the party.
Linda Simensky, former ASIFA East Pres.,
came in for the event, as she always does.
Finally, the trio, Michael Zodorozny, John Canemaker and Jennifer Oxley,
who won a prize. Sorry for the overexposed, badly lit shot. But I’m glad
to have it. the party was a success.
It was just about this time that the battery in my camera died.
Time for me to leave, anyway. I had a busy morning to face on Monday.
on 04 May 2009 at 12:46 pm 1.Tom Sito said …
Looks like they had fun. The snaps of Howard Beckerman look like you were trying to catch Bigfoot. Congrats to all.
on 04 May 2009 at 2:55 pm 2.Tim Rauch said …
Thanks for posting the photos, Michael, it will make my mother very happy!
on 05 May 2009 at 12:08 am 3.Dan said …
Thank you for the photos. Its good to see a smiling John Dilworth back in NYC.
on 05 May 2009 at 11:30 am 4.Dave Levy said …
Hi Sean,
It is sometimes a disappointment when you meet an idol and they don’t live up to the standard set by the art they create. Then again, think of all the artists you admire (from the present and the past) and understand that these might have been people you wouldn’t have wished to sit next to either. The work that inspired you … is still what it was the day before. That’s what you should hold on to.
That said, one should always shush a rude person. You have a right to have a good experience at the festival too. And, there were 499 people there that night the would have stood behind you.
on 05 May 2009 at 11:45 am 5.Janet Benn said …
My picture: Thanks for putting it in, but I want to explain my expression.
I had just taken a bite of food and you pointed the camera at me – I didn’t hear you and I didn’t know if I should chew or smile!
on 05 May 2009 at 11:48 am 6.Sean said …
Well said Dave and I’ll remember that for next time. I was worried about possibly causing a scene in front of my peers if he reacted the wrong way to a shh (like i said I had no idea who he was so i didnt know what to expect) when in hindsight I shouldn’t have felt that way. I’ll be sure to give it another shot next year! Thank you!
on 05 May 2009 at 7:37 am 7.Michael said …
I’ve chosen to edit a coment from a reader named Sean who complained of someone rudely talking in the audience.
The comment hurt two ASIFA East members who are discussing the situation on their own. Both parties asked that I remove the comment, so I have. I’m not looking for miscellaneous confrontation on my blog. Nor do I want anyone hurt or offended.
Sorry, Sean.
I’ve left follow-ups to this comment which don’t seem hurtful.
on 06 May 2009 at 1:20 am 8.Steve Brown said …
It was a pleasure seeing Matt Clinton’s photo. I haven’t seen Matt since he graduated from CalArts. I think that he somehow absorbed Corny Cole’s wisdom almost more than anyone at the school. What a very talented young animator!