Daily post 08 Dec 2008 09:00 am
- This sequence of animation drawings by Bill Tytla is undoubtedly available elsewhere on the internet, but who cares. Thumbing through John Canemaker‘s beautiful book, Treasures of Disney Animation Art, one can’t help but be struck by these drawings, printed at their finest. Large reproductions with beautiful color (that didn’t scan as well in my scanner, but they aren’t bad) show off Tytla’s glorious work. This surely is one of the highest moments in animation’s history.

(Click to enlarge any of these drawings.)
Not only are the drawings stunning, but the movement, timing and rendering couldn’t be better.
The artwork in this sequence is the highlight of Fantasia.
Animation is an art form here. The acting (without depending on a voice) is probably the best ever done in the medium – to date. The drawings, when studied, couldn’t be more beautiful. The rendering of the scene is every bit as good as the Nielsen illustrations done in design of the film.
The piece takes Modest Musorgsky’s ballet and performs an animated poem – a dance by way of Stanislavsky. It hints at the potential of the medium – a potential that was never fulfilled. I’d urge you to take these drawings one better, and look at the film again. Be inspired by Tytla and try to do as well.
on 08 Dec 2008 at 11:15 am 1.Tom Pope said …
One of my favorite pieces, too. But the piece is by Musorgsky, by way of Stokowski, not Stravinsky.
on 08 Dec 2008 at 1:19 pm 2.Michael said …
Of course, I’m getting old an tend to mix and match incorrectly at times.
on 09 Dec 2008 at 10:14 am 3.Scott Harpel said …
It was niece to see Richard Williams put him up there with Milt as the Masters on the recent Spline Doctors. That being said this scene makes me yearn for some movies to be released in just sketch form and no ink. That being said this is the power of animation at its peak.
on 09 Dec 2008 at 3:39 pm 4.Eric Noble said …
Do as well as Tytla!? I’ll be lucky to construct Mickey Mouse right at the way I’m going.
on 10 Dec 2008 at 8:15 am 5.Faris said …
When you consider Tytla’s follow-up animation to his “Chernabog” is the infant “Dumbo”, the versitility of the man becomes utterly apparent. The Dustin Hoffman of the Golden Age of Hollywood animation!
on 11 Dec 2008 at 12:04 pm 6.billburgNYC said …
Wow! Thanks for posting, Michael!