Animation Artifacts &Disney 05 Dec 2008 09:21 am
Dec. 5th 2008
- Another marked day. Today, of course, is Walt’s birthday. As a result, I’m posting one of my favorite, treasured drawings. It’s an Ub Iwerks drawing from Plane Crazy. I know it’s Ub’s drawing since he drew every frame of that film – chained to his desk in a locked room, so that no one would know what was going on. I bought the drawing during Raggedy Ann. Animator – soon to become special effects wizard, John Bruno offered to sell it to me when he learned how interested I was. I jumped, I love it.

(Click image to see the full drawing.)
Wouldn’t it be nice if, somehow, the Disney company actually commented on their founder’s anniversary? Won’t happen.
- It’s also the anniversary of this blog. We’re into our third year. It feels like five. This blog has become part of my life, and I enjoy it. It’s borne me above and through some low animation points in those past coupla years. A voice allowed me to get it out of my system.
- Today’s also the date the judge promised to sentence OJ Simpson. I suppose we’ll be hearing about that later today. A diversion, just in time for the weekend.
on 05 Dec 2008 at 9:40 am 1.Elliot Cowan said …
Only three years?
I remember visiting the splog when I was still in Tasmania and that seems like 110 years ago…
on 05 Dec 2008 at 9:55 am 2.dawn said …
Congrats! I love your blog! NYC animation!
on 05 Dec 2008 at 10:24 am 3.Stephen Macquignon said …
Three years and still as fresh as if it was the first.
on 05 Dec 2008 at 10:39 am 4.Bob Flynn said …
That IS a great drawing. I’m on an Ub kick as of late. Congrats on the blog anniversary, and keep at it!
on 05 Dec 2008 at 12:21 pm 5.David Nethery said …
Thanks for the Iwerks drawing and noting that it is the anniversary of Walt Disney’s birth.
Your blog has become a part of many of our lives. I’m so glad you keep it up.
You have so much to share and it is greatly appreciated. I regularly recommend your blog to my students . You have material posted here that they won’t see anywhere else . I hope you keep going for many more years .
on 05 Dec 2008 at 2:47 pm 6.Bob Cowan said …
Keep up the good work! Always enjoy reading your postings…
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
on 05 Dec 2008 at 4:53 pm 7.Jenny said …
Congratulations on your anniversary, and thanks for sharing this wonderful find. Just try getting this drawing today!
And happy birthday Walt. I’m sure when the Disney museum opens (next year?) this will be a commemorated day up in the beautiful Presidio.
on 05 Dec 2008 at 5:48 pm 8.Matt Jones said …
Nice drawing & they got OJ in the end-
on 05 Dec 2008 at 5:50 pm 9.Oswald said …
Today’s also the day I first saw your inspiring film “The Nightingale”. Thanks for your steady supply of information on some of animation’s most wonderful treasures (obscure and well-known).
Your blog is one-of-a-kind!
on 05 Dec 2008 at 11:33 pm 10.Michael J. Ruocco said …
Happy Anniversary, Michael! I’ve always looked forward to checking your site every day, & shall continue to do so. Thanks for the insightful words, news & findings each day & I hope you have a Happy Holidays!
on 06 Dec 2008 at 12:56 am 11.Lisa Wilson said …
Congratulations Michael! This blog is put together with incredible care. I always learn something inspiring about animators I respect when I visit, and I love that you share your viewpoints on the art and architecture in the city you love.
I hope this blog is around for many more years.
on 06 Dec 2008 at 4:55 am 12.slowtiger said …
Congratulations! Yours is one of the few blogs I read daily, just after (or during) coffee. I’ve learned a lot from your writings and links. Hopefully one day I’ll meet you in person.