Daily post &SpornFilms 18 Nov 2008 09:10 am
Boxed Sporn
- Today marks the official date of the release of the Boxed Sporn. My distributor, First Run Features, has compiled six dvds (12 films) into a boxed set and released it. (Amusingly, Steisha Pintado left a comment yesterday pointing out that today is also the birthday of Mickey Mouse – or at least the first screening of Steamboat Willie at the Colony Theater, NY.)
To commemorate this event, I’ve decided to post an old article about the making of The Hunting of the Snark as published in HOW Magazine back in the early 80′s.
The film adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s poem was in the works for seven years – done in between other jobs when there was spare time – and was completed in 1989. This was years after this article came out.
John Canemaker wrote the article, and just as I love that film I love this odd bit of press. I have it permanently on my official studio site but thought I’d enjoy posting it here. My hair is long and I’m thin, what’s not for me to love.

(Merely click any image and it will enlarge so you can read it.)
on 18 Nov 2008 at 9:52 am 1.Stephen Macquignon said …
The world is a better place with this box set out “Congratulation!â€
on 18 Nov 2008 at 12:03 pm 2.Steisha Pintado said …
Thanks and congratulations!
on 18 Nov 2008 at 1:09 pm 3.Ray K. said …
Congratulations Michael and First-Run Features!
This release is an event, and the set is a keeper–i.e. everyone BUY THIS. (Disclaimer: I worked on many of these fine films, so factor that in if you like–but if you don’t yet know Michael’s work you’ll be really happy with the smart, beautiful storytelling and having these videos you won’t ever worry about making your kids get hyper and dumb; these shows will grow on them, and grow with them.)
on 18 Nov 2008 at 2:50 pm 4.bill said …
Let me join the line of people offering you “congratulations”. I really can’t wait to watch this!
on 18 Nov 2008 at 8:18 pm 5.Rudy Agresta said …
Congrats Michael!
A beautiful gift to give to my daughter for Christmas!
In my archives I still have the original copy of the HOW magazine featuring your article. I look at it from time to time and appreciate more and more the craftsmanship that goes into your films.
All the best!
on 18 Nov 2008 at 8:25 pm 6.mahendra singh said …
Thanks for posting this very interesting article, and congrats on the boxed set. The world needs as many Snark Hunts as possible!
on 19 Nov 2008 at 1:26 am 7.Brian said …
I remember reading the article in HOW when it came out. Very seldom did the magazine cover animation and so it was exciting to me as young artist.
Congratulation on the DVD’s.
on 19 Nov 2008 at 12:58 pm 8.Dave Levy said …
I was 13 when that magazine came out and my dad brought home a copy of it from the Grey advertising where he was working. He told me he had been tempted to call you to see if you would meet with me to give me a tour of your studio. I don’t think he got the nerve to do that, but, we kept the magazine, and I rediscovered it in our house when I was working for you!
Congrats on the boxed set.. what an honor! You have inspired countless animation artists…
on 19 Nov 2008 at 1:03 pm 9.Eddie Fitzgerald said …
Congratulations! A good Christmas gift for myself!
on 19 Nov 2008 at 1:20 pm 10.Michael said …
Dave, a tour of the studio at that time would have taken two minutes – I had one room, 250 ft., on 38th St. at the time with 1 employee. When I finished the film, years later, I had a 2500 ft space and about 20 people on staff.
Even in the larger studio, as you know, it would have taken three mins for a guided tour.
on 22 Nov 2008 at 9:42 am 11.Dave Levy said …
Ha! Well, I’m glad I got a tour years later when I worked for you! Still, it would have been so much fun to see your old space in person. *Sigh*