Commentary 05 Nov 2008 09:23 am


- I have to say I’m pleased. It’s going to be a good day.

Juneteenth was a “holiday” they celebrated in the South when whites gave blacks a day off. This celebratiion of the day Lincoln told the slaves they were free was the only day African-Americans were allowed to visit the parks in the South; the only day they could go to the zoo. This in the ’60s!
Finally, America, including parts of the South, truly stepped beyond this “holiday” by creating an even better one.

Yeah, I’m pleased.

And to top that racist consideration, this is one excellent choice of a man to take charge of the Country. Someone who can pronounce the word nuclear and understands his own actions.

The system works in some odd way. A convicted felon was elected to the Senate in the state of Alaska. Perhaps Bush can pardon him before he leaves office as one last act of chaotic egotism.
It also seems like Al Franken lost to Norm Coleman, in the closest of races. Talk of recount is already in the air.
We also have Michelle Bachman back in Congress. Perhaps, she can now get her investigation going so that we can find out who the Anti-Americans are.
It’ll also be interesting to see Joe Lieberman join the Democratic caucus again.

John McCain gave a fine speech last night, but how does he resolve the hatred and venom he and his running mate left behind them? Now, the Country has to get beyond that. A lot of their followers believe that Obama is a socialist! I’ve heard that word on the radio at least a dozen times in the last hour.

I just can’t wait until those two little kids (and their puppy) will be living in the White House. I’m happy. Barack Obama is our next President.

8 Responses to “Enormous”

  1. on 05 Nov 2008 at 3:07 pm 1.John Irving said …

    ‘My God, what have we done?’ – the commander of the ‘Enola Gay’

    ‘My God, what have we done?’ – Obama supporters 4 years from now

  2. on 05 Nov 2008 at 3:26 pm 2.Tim Rauch said …

    comparing the dropping of the atomic bomb to the electing of the president? classy, really, really classy.

    go obama.

  3. on 05 Nov 2008 at 5:15 pm 3.Jenny said …

    “My God, what have we done?”-Me, 8 and 4 years ago on election day.

    4 years ago I literally felt sick to my stomach, huddled under the bedclothes. I couldn’t believe it(and frankly still don’t, but anyway–).

    Nothing that happened since then (unfortunately if not surprisingly) changed my initial reaction. 8 straight years of selfishness, incompetence and arrogance in charge.

    I was honestly afraid that once it’d been so broken the country would be almost impossible to fix. Even so, I’ve been all around the US and believe that from coast to coast there really are more decent, friendly, honest and generous Americans than not. For me, yesterday, all that was borne out. There’s no place to go but up–and what a graceful new Chief Executive to help us get there.
    What a profound relief.

  4. on 05 Nov 2008 at 5:57 pm 4.Pete Emslie said …

    The overwhelming majority of us here in Canada, upwards of 75% I believe, were hoping Obama would win. This really is a happy and momentous occasion. There has certainly been a straining of relations between Canada and the U.S. over these last 8 years of the Bush administration, and I can foresee a much warmer and friendlier political climate on the road ahead. We are very happy with your choice for President.

  5. on 06 Nov 2008 at 2:53 am 5.DanO said …

    Yes the country has to get beyond hatred and venom Michael. You’ve already proved yourself to be above it ->

  6. on 06 Nov 2008 at 3:50 am 6.Mark Sonntag said …

    My faith in the US is restored, we were glued to the TV set all the way over here in Australia. This is the begining of a new tomorrow, as Matthew Broderick says in the movie GLORY, “Glory hallelujah.”

    Unfortunately as it was in Lincoln’s time, and with all great change, there are those that will be dragged along kicking and screaming.

  7. on 08 Nov 2008 at 1:36 am 7.Thad said …

    It will also be nice to have a Democratic family in the white house that actually loves each other and doesn’t stay together for political gain.

  8. on 11 Nov 2008 at 9:38 pm 8.Floyd Norman said …

    Many years ago, a veteran animation artist refused to have me in his department because of the color of my skin. Actually, I wasn’t offended by his silly action. I felt sorry for the old guy who has since passed on.

    The unnamed studio is now filled with talented people of color, and this will never be an issue again.

    Sometimes, people see the light — and sadly, sometimes they just have to die.

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