Daily post 01 Nov 2008 08:59 am
Arlene Sherman and Toe Tactics
- Many years ago, Edith Zornow was my guardian angel at Sesame Street – I mean CTW. Whenever my tiny company was in desperate trouble and one short step away from crumbling, Edith would pop up with some spots for me to do, and things became just fine again. I have to say I loved Edith; it wasn’t the usual client relationship. She suffered from Parkinson’s Disease which slowly grew worse over a few short years. Eventually, she died, and I felt my world was doomed.
Arlene Sherman took Edith’s place, and was just as supportive. I worked with Arlene for many years producing lots of animated bits for the show and other shows. One time we even did a number of films in Arabic for a Mid-East version of Sesame Street.
Arlene just died this past week, and I’m tremendously sad.
We hadn’t worked together in a number of years, but she lived in the neighborhood of my studio, and we often passed on the street. Always an embrace, always I felt things were right in the world after meeting her.
I found this “Paid death notice” in the NY Times. I haven’t found any obits other than the one on AWN. At least there’s the one. I just had to report this, though I wish I had more details.
I also have to admit sadness on hearing of the death of Studs Terkel. It was comforting just knowing someone of his calibre was in the world.
I’ll be sad to see King of the Hill go, now that it’s been cancelled. I don’t watch every week, but I watch it often enough. However, we do have to make room for The Cleveland Show. Sunday will soon be an all Seth McFarland night. It’s interesting that the NY Times felt it important enough to deliver an article.
- Emily Hubley informs me that her feature film, The Toe Tactic is going to have a number of screenings upcoming for the local area.
Please take note of dates and times, and get out to see an exciting and different kind of movie.
Here are some places, dates and times:
- Jacob Burns Film Center in Pleasantville NY
November 5th, 7pm with Producer Jen Small and Emily Hubley in attendance.
Go here to order tickets to this event.
92Y Tribeca (200 Hudson St, NYC)
November 20th, 8pm
Discussion follows with Emily Hubley and friend Judith Helfand.
Go here to order tickets for this event.
Clearview’s South Orange 5 (NJ)
December 4th with a 7pm Filmmaker Reception and Q&A with Emily Hubley to follow.
Clearview’s South Orange 5 (NJ)
December 10th – 7pm
Go here to order advance tickets.
The Toe Tactic will have its theatrical premiere at The Museum of Modern Art from January 28th – February 2nd, 2009 (screening times vary).
MOMA’s schedule doesn’t have this program listed, as yet. Check here next month.
Tell one and all!
- Nina Paley tells of some upcoming screenings of her feature, Sita Sings the Blues. These are as follows:

Saturday, Nov. 8, 11:00 am
Sunday, Nov. 9, 11:00 am
There are two screenings at MoMA, as part of IFP’s Gotham Awards series for nominees in the category “Best Film Not Playing At A
Theater Near You” (undistributed features):
Thursday Nov. 20, 6:00 pm
Saturday Nov. 22, 3:00 pm
on 01 Nov 2008 at 12:26 pm 1.richard o'connor said …
That’s horrible. Arlene was a great, great person.
She was an example of how to be a great educator and TV producer.
Sad news.
on 01 Nov 2008 at 6:46 pm 2.Tim Rauch said …
Studs was a big inspiration to Dave Isay and the StoryCorps folks. Thanks to that association, I picked up one of his books: it was fantastic. He was amazingly skilled at drawing out good stories from everyone about everything. Also sad to see KOTH go… can a whole night of McFarlane shows really be successful? Good luck, Fox!