Animation Artifacts &Disney &Story & Storyboards 27 Oct 2008 08:10 am
Toot Bd – 1 pt 1
- Our Adventures in Music continue with the preliminary storyboard for what would ultimately become Toot Whistle Plunk & Boom. This is another board on loan from the archives of John Canemaker, and you can see the outgrowth from the prior film, Melody: Adventures in Music.
This material I’m posting here is on large photostat copies. The problem is that the images are a bit fuzzy, and the text beneath the boards is illegible. In some cases, the appropriate text has been hand written on the copies themselves.
This board is the first of two that I have, and it is five pages in size. Here are two.

(Click any image to enlarge.)
These are breakdowns of each row of the two boards so that the images can be made as large as possible.

I’ll have the remainder of the board up tomorrow.
Ward Jenkins has posted some beautiful frame grabs from the completed film. Go here.