Photos 19 Oct 2008 08:19 am
Very Scary
– I knew something was planned for Madison Square Park when I passed through it on Thursday.
Lights had been erected in a circle, around the
“Oval Lawn.”
So I took a couple of photographs in anticipation, not knowing what was planned –
an art piece? an Oktoberfest? a concert?
This Saturday, passing through I noticed a flurry of activity with the usual tents being put up. This sign, to the right, revealed what it was for
___________HALLOWEEN !
I mean . . . Fall Fest !

(Click any image to enlarge.)
Lights had been set all around the “Great lawn.”
On Saturday, a couple of tents had been constructed
and planning for the event was in progress.
The smaller lawn became a cemetery filled with pumpkins.
Bushels of hay flanked the cemetery, and the front of the park
was still in development.
But then I went back to the park later that afternoon, and it’s like none of this had existed.
Everything – tents, pumpkins, hay – was gone as if it had never been there.
All that I saw to prove I hadn’t dreamed up these photos was the chit I found, pictured to the right. Apparently, the pumpkins went to the kids.
The only remaining thing was the lighting and the foliage. The squirrels enjoyed the lights; I enjoyed the foliage. Apparently,
those lights must be for some other event up and coming.
- Sarah Palin made her SNL debut last night. My friend, cartoonist, Tom Hachtman did this cartoon celebrating the rise of Ms. Sarah. It’s one of his first attempts at animation. (and it wasn’t done with Flash!) The drawings were originally assembled to animate by Bill Skurski.