Photos 22 Sep 2008 02:07 pm
Ottawa Snaps
Here are some photos from Ottawa:

This is the National Gallery with the Louise Bourgeois spider guarding the lawn.
Inside this building I had my first encounter with children
who were bussed in to see my films & hear me talk.
1. This is the theater interior waiting for kids to arrive.
2. This is the US Embassy with flowers for the war dead on the gate.
They cleaned up this gate later in the day discarding the flowers.
3. The By Towne theater wherein many of the programs were projected.
4. Karl Cohen receives a Special ASIFA award. He’s flanked
by Deanna Morse (L) and Marcy Page (R).
5. (L to R) Glen Ehlers, Chris Boyce, David Levy
6. Amid Amidi (center)
8. Jason Simonich, Linda Beck, Candy Kugel
9. Ward Jenkins, taking my picture.
10. The bus going to the picnic left from the By Towne theater.
11. Paul Driessen and Candy Kugel at the picnic.
12 & 13 As in the past, lots of tables were set up for plenty of eating.
This year hamburgers & franks were the meal with some side salads.
14. The night of the picnic, after a screening of Canadian shorts, a bunch of us went for
dinner to an excellent Thai restaurant that Hélène Tanguay recommended.
Hélène is in pink to the right. That’s Willy Hartland and Derek Roczen in front of her.
Candy Kugel sits just behind me to the left.
15. The carved pumpkins from the picnic were transported to the Saw Bar,
where Friday’s party was to take place.
16. Nancy Bieman and Candy Kugel
outside Barrymore’s before Sat nite’s party.
The full list of award winners can be found here on AWN. I don’t agree with much that the judges liked. Sorry. Different strokes for different folks.
on 22 Sep 2008 at 3:35 pm 1.Ken Priebe said …
Hi Michael!
Thanks for the detailed report on this year’s festival. Looks like it was another great one…sorry I couldn’t be there for us to finally meet in person. (One of these days I hope we will.)
Richard Williams will be here in Vancouver in a few weeks so I’m looking forward to that.
All the best!
on 23 Sep 2008 at 9:49 am 2.Nancy Beiman said …
It was good seeing you at Ottawa, Mike. I wish I could have seen the winning feature…it would have to go a long way to beat IDIOTS AND ANGELS. But one man’s fish is another man’s poisson…