Daily post &Photos &SpornFilms 24 Aug 2008 08:02 am
Reviews, the Times cartoon and photos
- I was pleased and surprised that a couple of reviews for my latest dvds were so enormously positive. I guess I’m like most people, I want people to like my films, but I never quite expect them to get the reception they do.
Consequently, I can’t help but share the following one with you from an on-line magazine called: Digigods
- Abel’s Island and The Marzipan Pig are the latest in FRF’s ongoing releases of the films of Michael Sporn. Sporn, for those not in the know, is a wonderful animator, a man of delicate and painterly inclinations whose work almost seems more like storybooks brought to life than conventional

Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I’m proud to have someone who doesn’t know me from Adam and gives such a comment. Oddly enough, that’s not the only one.
Jeff Scher has a new animated piece on the New York Times, and you should take a look. Dog Days animates a host of panting dogs witnessing the last days of Summer.

Bob Cowan has been posting some of the great photos and excellent material from the Ingeborg Willy Scrapbook. So far three pages have been posted:
______Pg. 1, Pg. 2, Pg. 3

- Apparently, Aaron Sorkin revealed at the San Diego SorCon that he will be unveiling an animated version of The West Wing this coming season.
According to Sorkin, “The costs of live-action production restricted me to a set only slightly larger than the actual White House and an ensemble cast of under 15 actors. But animation technology will enable us to provide fans with extended 40-minute walk-and-talks, digitally compressed dialogue for faster delivery, and a cast of over 70 main characters. My vision will finally be presented in its truest, most uncompromised form.”
You can see the rest of the story in this week’s copy of The Onion.
- I’ve recently bought a new camera and have been trying to figure it out. Sometimes too much contrast, sometimes too much grain. However, I’ve been shooting a lot to try to get it down. Here are a coupla studio photos among the bunch.

This is what you first see as you enter the stairwell.
You have to walk to the rear of the corridor.
Lola, our current cat, might be looking down on you. She jumps up
on the right wall and cavorts up there with the orange cat that lives there.
Here she is moving from the back to the front.
This is the view from the door as you enter.
(L) Christine’s desk, once you enter and look left.
(R) The table to the kitchen, just behind her desk.
This is the other side of that main room, look back to the editor’s station.
This is my spot. The animation desk came from UPA, the moviola from a Paramount editor.
Two of the walls in my room are covered with books and tapes and dvds.
If Lola weren’t outside, she’d be in on those shelves, too.
on 25 Aug 2008 at 1:09 am 1.Andy Hass said …
Ha ha – you do realize that the Onion is farce, right? Highly unlikely the piece about an animated West Wing is true. The teaser image makes it look like a Robert Smigel cartoon.
on 25 Aug 2008 at 7:45 am 2.Michael said …
I did know that The Onion is a spoof of a newspaper. The San Diego SorCon!
They also have some of the best interviews and film reviews out there, and I read it regularly.
on 28 Aug 2008 at 12:25 pm 3.Eddie Fitzgerald said …
Very nice. this is full of atmosphere and charm.
on 08 Nov 2009 at 2:15 pm 4.stephen woodruff said …
BEAUTIFUL photo of your cat.
The last one with the brick textures