Daily post 28 Jun 2008 09:57 am


- Yesterday, I had the opportunity of meeting Satoshi Kon prior to the first screening of the retrospective being held at the Walter Reade Theater in NYC.

In the brief 10 minute interview I was given, I had prepared a number of questions to send in advance for the sake of the interpreter. We brought along a small camera to video tape and record the session. I had hoped to transcribe the interview and post it today. Unfortunately, we had a bit of a problem. The interpreter’s voice was just above a whisper and barely recorded. We have to redigitize the track and work on it to get her voice audible enough to transcribe. We’ll post the interview later this week.

There was some still art framed and mounted in the hall, though. I photographed it and caught a lot of reflection off the lights in the hall. Regardless, here are some of the images I shot. The photographs don’t do justice to Mr. Kon’s beautiful artwork. There are plenty of others I didn’t have time to shoot.

Go see the exhibit and films if you’re in NY. The full schedule is posted in my initial writing on this series. Here.

(Click any image to enlarge.)

The above three images are all “Key Art” for Millenium Actress.

Me, the interpreter and Mr. Kon

The two images above and the two below are from
the storyboard of Tokyo Godfathers.

My apologies to Mr. Kon for the poor reproductions. I’m hardly what I would call a photographer, however I did want to give a sample of what fine work visitors would see at this exhibit and program.


Sunday’s NY Times features a good article on Tom Sito ‘s new animation series for PBS, As The Wrench Turns. The show premieres July 9th.

4 Responses to “KON”

  1. on 28 Jun 2008 at 3:10 pm 1.Emmett Goodman said …

    Just to point out, Mr. Sporn, the Key Art you posted is for PAPRIKA, not MILLENIUM ACTRESS.

    Yesterday was the first time I saw PAPRIKA, and I enjoyed it very much. The detail in his films is staggering .Satoshi Kon’s Q & A was very informative and insightful, and he seemed very down to earth in terms of his vision. I will be seeing more of these films in the coming days.

  2. on 28 Jun 2008 at 3:49 pm 2.Michael said …

    You’re right the first and third image are from PAPRIKA. The second image is MILLENIUM ACTRESS. Sorry for the mix up.

  3. on 28 Jun 2008 at 4:16 pm 3.Tim Rauch said …

    Beautiful stuff. Wish I’d had a chance to shake Mr. Kon’s magic hands, but alas, I was stuck inside a Brooklyn pool. This is why we live in NYC.

  4. on 30 Jun 2008 at 10:49 am 4.Bas Waijers said …

    Thanks for sharing, I have seen all of his work so far. I saw Paprika at the Angelica last year. It would be great to see more 2D animation on the big screen, even though Wall-E was amazing.

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