Daily post 26 Nov 2007 08:38 am
POE, Escape! & an Auction
– I’d like to call your attention to a new website we’ve started, as of today.
Now that my feature, POE, is nearing its production start we’ve decided to devote a site specifically to that film. This is an outgrowth of the Poe Page we’ve had at MichaelSpornAnimation.com.
Much of the artwork and clips have been carried over from the old Poe page,
however on Poestory.net, new materials will be added more frequently. There will also be a running journal which will be an extension of the one we’d started on the older site. However, it’s expected that this one will also have entries by others working on the film.
We hope to be able to give a running visual and verbal log of our production as it goes through its growth in the next 16 months. The images up today will continue expanding even through the next week until we’ve started to settle into a regular routine.
- You may know the name of G. Michael Dobbs through the two animation publications he’s produced, Animato or Animation Planet. Or you may know him through his websites, Out of the Inkwell and Made of Pen and Ink.
Now Mr. Dobbs has a new animation book on the market, and I encourage you to look for it.
Escape! How animation broke into the Mainstream in the 1990s describes how animation “escaped” the kidvid onus and moved into more of an adult vein.
As the press release reads:
- From the shock value of “The Simpsons,†to the experiment of putting “Ren & Stimpy†on MTV to the popularity of anime among teens, animation saw a revival due to a variety of reasons that came about rather organically, as Dobbs shows in his book.
The book includes interviews with all of your favorites: John Kricflausi, Bill Plympton and Ralph Bakshi. The rise of the Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon are detailed and the story of the modern, changing adult feature is told: Beauty and the Beast to Bee Story and Beowulf.
G. Michael Dobbs also continues to write his history on the Fleischer brothers and their studio. You can get a remarkable sample of this long-in-the-works book at his Made of Pen and Ink site on which two chapters are posted.

– The extraordinarily vital FPS website is currently holding their fourth annual charity auction live on ebay until the 30th of November.
There are quite a few fine animation goodies for auction via the site. Books, dvds, cds, posters, models and other items are all available and will help the Cancer Research Society. What a great use of their website!
Included among the items to be auctioned are:
__Art of Disney Japanese exhibit catalogue, Art of Disney Japanese exhibit DVD
__Once Upon A Time/Il etait une fois Walt Disney Montreal exhibit posters
__dvd shorts donated by NFB:
______Madame Tutli-Putli
______The Danish Poet
______Animated Cartoons by E.G. Lutz, 1926 edition
______The Art of Bee Movie ______The Art of Beowulf
______The Art of Cars _______.___The Art of Ratatouille
______The Art of the Incredibles
A full list of items is available here. Go – before Nov. 30th, get some good stuff, support Cancer research and keep your eye on the great site: FPS.
One final note. In case you haven’t noticed, Hans Perk is at it again. He is posting the drafts to Disney’s feature, Alice in Wonderland. The man and his site, A Film LA, are a veritable well stream of animation information.
on 02 Dec 2010 at 11:39 am 1.Aurelio Finseth said …
Thanks for posting this informative article.