Photos 28 Oct 2007 08:21 am

Halloween Photosunday

- Halloween’s here – or at least it will be this coming Wednesday. How could I pass up a chance to post some Halloween photos?

In Manhattan not a lot gets decorated except for store windows, apartment doors or the small jack-o-lantern in the lobby. The event becomes monstrously large with the Village parade that blocks off all traffic (auto and pedestrian) within the route of the event. Adults (20 somethings for the most part) dress up in bizarre costumes and get rowdy for a couple of hours. This happens two blocks from my studio, so police barricade everything in sight for a day or two. It gets a bit inconvenient. Too bad kids aren’t usually involved.

In the outer boroughs, everything gets decorated. My friend, Steve Fisher sent me some photos of Maspeth, Queens, where he lives. Steve has a great sense of humor, which comes across in his pictures, and I thought it all-too-appropriate for me to appropriate his photos (with his permission) for this post.
Happy Halloween.

_______(Click any image to enlarge.)


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