Articles on Animation &UPA 05 Jun 2007 08:13 am
Dave Hilberman by John C.
Here’s an excellent article John Canemaker wrote back in 1980. It talks about Dave Hilberman’s involvment in the Disney Strike. Hilberman, of course, was one of the initial founders of UPA with Zach Schwartz. When John Hubley & Phil Eastman came to them with the completed storyboard and the contract for Hell Bent for Election, their studio took off. Eventually, they sold out to Steve Bosustow and opened their own commercial studio in NYC, Tempo.
Thanks to John Canemaker for permission to post this.

on 05 Jun 2007 at 10:48 am 1.Didier Ghez said …
Thanks for sharing this Michael.
on 05 Jun 2007 at 12:22 pm 2.David Nethery said …
Wow, thanks , Michael for posting this and John for permission to post it ! This gives some needed historical context to the recent *ahem* “debate” concerning the origin and growth of the UPA style.
Rotten that Hilberman got smeared the way he did. I knew Zack Schwartz a bit in later years (he was one of my teachers at Sheridan , taught storyboarding) but he wasn’t always very happy to talk about those days. I think it was still very painful to think about.
on 07 Aug 2007 at 11:56 am 3.Mark Hilberman said …
not for posting particularly
Michael, I have been catching up on my father’s professional life apart from what I learned simply participating.
On none of the screens on my computers at home or work can I actually read the Canemaker piece
it comes down as way too small, even when clicked on and expanded
I don’t know if you have time or interest or space to make a higher res version available which would be readable on higher res screens