Monthly ArchiveMay 2008
Books 01 May 2008 08:18 am
– As I mentioned on a past writing, I’m a fan of the poems of Hillaire Belloc. I posted some pages from his Bestiary, and I have a second book of poems, his Cautionary Tales for Children. a British publication, includes many gems. I’d like to share my favorite of these. As a matter of fact, we animated this poem as part of a double video, Nonsense & Lullabies, back in the 90′s. (Someday I’ll share some of that artwork. It was beautifully designed in house by Jason McDonald.)
A bit of info about Belloc:
He graduated from Oxford, then served in Parliament.
After graduating from Oxford, Hilaire Belloc served in Parliament. Disatisfied with public office, he left the House of Commons and wrote extensively during the first World War. He wrote in many different styles and forms. Many of his children’s poems are whimsical but quite dark.
B.T.B. was the signature of Basil Templeton Blackwood.He met Belloc at Oxford and was killed in action in 1917. Blackwood was a solicitor who illustrated several of Belloc’s books.
(Click any image to enlarge and read it properly.)______